Thursday, February 19, 2009

Education and Careers Expo, 19-22 Feb. 2009

There is an Education and Careers Expo held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19 -22 Feb. 2009. Names of exhibitors can be found here. There are a wide variety of Education Forums / Talks held by different institutes of higher learning at Hall 5. The whole event schedule is available.

If one is currently looking for employment, widening one's search and attending careers fair is one good way to gain exposure and get more information. If you're in a sector that is currently experiencing crisis and the few jobs available are already saturated with many applicants, it may be time to spend some moment upgrading your skills/knowledge through professional training (while waiting to get employed), or seriously widening your knowledge in other fields which may promise better prospects in the coming future! 

For example, do you have any interest in the Creative Industries? Find out more about Creative Industries in Hong Kong. Courses are available and one such course called "Post Graduate Diploma In Creative Industries Management" is currently being offered by the HKU SPACE. 

Therefore if you have been looking for a job unsuccessfully in a sector that has been very hard hit by the economic/financial crisis (which you think may take long to recover) it is time to re-evaluate other alternatives and take the opportunity to upgrade yourself.

MORE ARTICLES about the Creative Industries in Hong Kong ...

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